2024 4th International Conference on Electronic Information Engineering and Computer Science

EIECS 2023

2023 3rd International Conference on Electronic Information Engineering and Computer Science (EIECS 2023) was triumphantly convened in the city of Changchun, China, from September 22 to 24, 2023, employing a versatile hybrid format that facilitated both in-person and virtual participation.

There were more than 500 delegates attended the conference, 6 experts in related fields were invited to give keynote speeches. The in-depth discussions among the attendees effectively advanced the academic exchange. 

Group Photo


At the same time, We have invited  Secretary Jian Wu, from Changchun University of Science and Technology to welcome speech, 6 respectable professors to deliver an unusual keynote addresses at the plenary meeting and 17 young scholars gave wonderful oral presentations. Waht's more, representatives of the organizers, Prof. Yunqing Liu, from  Changchun University of Science and Technology to deliver the closing speech.

Welcome Speech


Keynote Speakers
Oral & Poster Presentation


Award presentation session & group photo



Closing Speech





As we draw the curtains on this enlightening and productive international academic conference, let us carry forward the spirit of collaboration and intellectual curiosity that has illuminated our paths these past days. The ideas exchanged, the partnerships forged, and the boundaries pushed will undoubtedly resonate in our respective fields, fostering new avenues of research and innovation. Let this gathering not be merely a memory, but a catalyst for progress, where the seeds of knowledge planted here bloom into groundbreaking discoveries and meaningful contributions to humanity. Until our paths cross again at the forefront of knowledge, farewell, and may the pursuit of excellence continue to guide us all. Thank you, and see you at the next edition, where we will write new chapters in the annals of global academic cooperation.